TARA Children take the lead on Child Protection

On the 30th of May 2016, we gathered representatives from TARA Boys and TARA Girls to review our Child Protection Policy. Noorjahan, Sikander and Shyamu united in Team Ant-Man while Vishal, Rakesh and Nandini stood as Team Rainbow.

The two teams went into intense brainstorming about the different forms of child abuse and possible dangers in the Homes. Then they came up with ideas on how to prevent the latter. The teams identified several abuses children may face such as neglect; child labour; sexual abuse; violence in words and acts; deprivation of sufficient food, education, basic rights and participation; but also exposure to inappropriate audio-visual contents.

They enhanced the importance of a supervisor's presence for such activities as going to the park, cleaning the ground floor (which is overlooking the street), TV time and computer time. They also insisted on the presence of the night staff and of trustworthy adults with them at all times.

In case of any incident, the two teams emphasized that the child should find support and counselling with discretion. Any teasing from other children should be strictly prohibited.

The children showed very mature understanding of TARA Child Protection Policy, which they really consider as their own Constitution! They also discussed the way TARA takes part in their empowerment through the election of Child Representatives, children’s meetings, participation in the writing of our Child Protection Policy and the taking into account of their suggestions in the elaboration of the rules. However, they reported sometimes discovering their activities of the day at the last minute and not being informed enough in advance…

Finally, the children also spoke about their concerns regarding health and safety and their proposals to fight these risks: they demanded earthquake drill sessions, training in the use of fire extinguishers and more sessions on First Aid, so as to be active participants in their own protection in such cases.

Posted on 24 June 2016