TARA and its parents NGOs

TARA is an organisation of three parts, all created in 2009. The programs run in South Delhi fall under the auspices of TARA. In India, these programs report to the parent NGO called ONYVA who is in charge of overseeing the management of the operations. In France, TARA reports to CHAYA France, an association governed by the French law of 1901 on non-profits, who monitors the strategic direction of TARA. CHAYA France and ONYVA are bound by a partnership agreement.

These small-scale associations have become as well known in Delhi as many of the most famous NGOs in India due to the high standard of quality and transparency synonymous with TARA. Each of the two parent NGOs comprises a board of trustees, one in France and one in India, coming from various fields: development and humanitarian action specialists, teachers, magistrates specialized in Child Protection. Here are the faces of our trustees!

Our mission

ONYVA and CHAYA France work in partnership with underprivileged children, their families and communities in order to create a safe and family like environment for the children who cannot be taken care of by their families.

We emphasize the right of each child to quality education and to intellectual, artistic and psychological development. We maintain and encourage the bond of the children with their families.

Our Values

Our organization respects and protects children rights to dignity, protection and privacy. Our work is subject to the directives of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). We consider each child as a unique individual and work for his empowerment so that they can develop their potential fully and become independent and educated adults. We encourage the children’s participation in the decision making process at TARA.

We celebrate diversity and fight all kinds of discrimination based on age, gender, nationality, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation or health status. We constantly seek the involvement of the local communities and international volunteers who contribute to our work.

We comply with principles of transparency and accountability, ensure that all TARA associates understand our values, objectives and work practices and are active participants in what we do. We constantly try to improve our work like all the famous NGOs in India by assessing regularly the impact of TARA. We are constantly training our staff and establishing partnerships with other organizations and institutions, from schools to companies committed to social change in order to have the most beneficial impact on the future of the children.