
Vincent and Adrien were eagerly anticipated by the kids... We did noticed however a slight resistance from Sidhu, who was defending his territory and the choice by him of a wall decoration based on an exhibition of his massive complete works in coloured polystyrene.

Using a system of coloured patches, the children decided the colours, shades and scheme.And then of course very quickly, the tactile call of the paint. A child always wants to make a splash!

The boys have invented scenes, projected and traced out their shadow on the wall.Below, the 3 rooms:

All the way along, Vincent and Adrien were monitoring the 13 boys, making sure that everyone was involved and that no hazardous activities were tried, like eating the paint!

A pink elephant now climbs up the stairs, preceded by a quick turtle.Suman put the final touch on the project by placing a red tikka on the forehead of the elephant:

At Chaya, we are very happy with our new house. And the boys are quite proud of the result, which is exultantly exposed to all our visitors, including the gas agent.

We certainly won't forget Vincent et Adrien soon. What's more they have the same hairstyle than Lord Shiva, which continuously fascinated every single one of the kids."Sir, Shiva was wearing dreadlocks" very naturally joins the others gems on this blog.

Posted on 25 February 2009